Tomingley Community Hub
Resources for our Tomingley community
Alkane in your community
Alkane has been part of the Tomingley and Narromine Shire communities since we broke ground at Tomingley in early 2013.
Tomingley Gold Mine
We are a small-to-medium open cut and underground gold mine and processing facility. The operation supports nearly 300 employees and contractors, most of whom live in the local area. We poured our 500,000th ounce of gold in May 2022.
Tomingley Extension Project
We intend to extend gold mining operations to include the San Antonio and Roswell (SAR) resources immediately south of the existing mine. Since the SAR deposits lie underneath the Newell Highway, the project involves realignment of the road. This project will extend operations to at least the end of 2032.
Our pledge
Alkane respects and strives to respond to the needs of the Tomingley and Narromine Shire communities. We communicate with integrity, work hard to nurture positive relationships, and aim to leave a lasting positive legacy.
Receive our latest updates
If you’ve ever wondered what’s happening onsite or surrounds, subscribe to our Tomingley community newsletter to hear about the latest developments. We publish approximately three times per year and maintain a full newsletter archive.
Engage with us
We welcome community members to engage with us directly about any of our projects.
Community Consultative Committee
Having an independent chair, the CCC includes representatives from Narromine Shire Council, Alkane and the community. They meet several times a year and have their finger on the pulse. They’re ready to answer your questions.
Community Information Line
To contact us directly (or make a complaint) the Community Information Line Number operates 24/7. You can also email us at
(If you are calling for business purposes please call between 9am – 5pm Monday to Friday on 02 6867 9780)
Tomingley Community Fund
Alkane supports community projects and events through the Tomingley Community Fund. Funding is awarded on a submission basis, with final approval by the Narromine Shire Council.
Funding is granted twice a year for community infrastructure projects, sponsorship of local events and organisations, or education and training.
Tomingley offers rewarding career opportunities for university graduates, people qualified through the vocational education and training (VET) system, apprentices in some trades, and operators with experience in heavy machinery. We are committed to equal-opportunity recruitment and value our workforce of nearly 300 employees and contractors who come from a diverse range of backgrounds.
We are a “residential” operation, meaning all employees return to their own homes at the end of each shift. The site is near the major regional centres of Dubbo and Narromine. Our employees also benefit from the breadth of experience and collaboration that comes from working at a smaller operation.
The measures and actions undertaken by Tomingley Gold Operations are all documented within the Environment Management System (EMS) and supporting Management Plans (EMPs) and Mine Operation Plan (MOP). View management plans.
At TGO it is planned that Wyoming Three and some of the Caloma Two pits will be back filled with waste material. It is not planned to back fill the Caloma One pit or the Wyoming One pit.
Water usage in NSW is governed by the distribution of water licences, which are a tradable asset and purchased from willing sellers. Water can also be purchased on the temporary water market.
Tomingley Gold Operations has purchased a water licence from local irrigator and is permitted to use 1000ML of bore water per year from the Mid-Macquarie River alluvial aquifer. Much of the water onsite is recycled and reused. Pumping tests carried out at the time of the Narromine bore being developed indicated that the use of this water will have minimal impact on surrounding properties.
At Alkane Resources, we see ourselves as being part of the communities where we operate by providing employment opportunities, shopping locally, engaging with the local population, contributing to local community services, sponsoring local projects and taking a vested interest in local Aboriginal issues.
Tomingley Gold Operations (TGO) is aware of being a contributor of additional dust in the air as the result of mining operations, particularly in the hotter, drier and windier months. To address this, TGO has developed a detailed site-specific procedure to manage dust in accordance with the conditions of operation. TGO has also commenced rehabilitation of disturbed areas where practical to reduce the footprint that can potentially generate dust.
Noise emissions from Tomingley Gold Operations are controlled through a combination of measures – including planning to control locations and times of noisy activity, and the construction of noise bunds to attenuate noise.
Erosion and sediment control structures, bunding, and infrastructure for pumping and recycling water around the company’s sites, are tools Alkane uses to prevent dirty water runoff entering natural water courses.
Annual community consultation reports for each exploration licence are available on request from our Dubbo Office.