Tomingley Community Fund

Supporting our local community

Our commitment

As part of Alkane’s commitment to leave a positive legacy in the communities in which we operate, Tomingley Gold Operations is pledged to contribute financial support to local projects that will outlive the mine’s projected life.

Following a review of the original Voluntary Planning Agreement terms, Alkane will contribute over $600,000 until the end of 2032 to notable projects and events via the Tomingley Community Fund on an application basis.

Administered by a panel of Alkane and Narromine Shire council representatives, the Tomingley Community Fund will be used to support projects within Narromine Shire with the following objectives:

  • Economic Development – Projects or initiatives that directly contribute to the resilience and/or long-term economic growth of the community.
  • Community Connectivity – Projects or initiatives that promote community togetherness in a positive family-focused way.
  • Education and Training – Projects or initiatives that foster the education and up-skilling of members of the local community.
  • Community Infrastructure – Projects that will leave legacy infrastructure such as public art that reflects on Tomingley’s mining history

How to apply

Applications are currently closed. This next round of the Tomingley Community Fund is anticipated to open in August or September 2025.

To be eligible, your project must be located in Narromine Shire and fall into one of the following categories:

  • Economic development
  • Community connectivity
  • Education and training
  • Community infrastructure

Applications must be made using the Tomingley Community Fund application form. This can be downloaded or call (02) 6867 9780 to request a copy in the mail. Forms should be emailed to or posted to:

Tomingley Gold Operations Ltd
PO Box 59
Peak Hill NSW 2869

The Tomingley Community Fund Panel meet in April and September to review applications. For more information on the fund and assessment criteria, download the Tomingley Community Fund Information sheet.

Community Fund Awards

Round 2 organisationsFundingProject Supported
Pam’s Big Pink Breakfast$1,500Fundraising breakfast for breast cancer research
Narromine Dolly Parton Festival$10,0002025 Narromine Dolly Parton Festival
The Royal Flying Doctors$2,500Establishing an indigenous garden at Trangie Central School
Narromine Aviation Museum$3,240Purchasing and installing five interpretive signs
Narromine Community Kitchen$3,500Purchasing ingredients and cooking equipment
Narromine Hospital Auxiliary$10,000Equipment for Narromine Hospital
Narromine Golf Club$5,000Installing softfall flooring in the golf club playground
Narromine Car Club$4,000Running costs of the Narromine Car Club 2025 Car Show and swap meet in March 2025
Narromine Show$4,000Operating costs for the Annual Narromine Show
Narromine Community Skills Project$6,438Running the 2024 Venetian Carnival in Narromine
Narromine Shire Council$5,000Provision of after school activities and school holiday programs at Narromine Sports and Fitness Centre
Narromine Tennis Club$2,500Barclay Lighting System that will allow players to manage court lighting
Narromine Turf Club$10,000Improvements to Narromine Turf Club and the Dandy Cup 2024
THRIV3 Paddling Pathway Program$5,000Running a 10-day kayaking trip on the Macquarie River for young people
Western NSW Health (Trangie Multi-Purpose Service)$3,000Running the Bellies and New Life Program based in Trangie
Round 1 organisationsFundingProject Funded
Australian Skin Cancer Foundation$3,000Bring skin check truck to Narromine in October 2024
Dusty Boots Festival & Awards$5,000Assist with hosting country music festival and awards in Narromine
Narromine Aero Club$5,800Hosting outdoor cinema event at Narromine airport
Narromine Business Collective$10,000Hosting Rural Women in Business Luncheon at Narromine
Narromine Junior Jets$2,500Purchase new football equipment
Tomingley Picnic Race Club$30,000Tomingley Picnic Races sponsorship and racetrack improvements
St Augustines PnF$5,000Installation of LED notice board for the school
CWA of NSW Far Western Group$300Prize money for public speaking competition
Round 2 organisationsFundingProject Funded
Generocity Church, Narromine$3,000Purchase of food for the community kitchen
Narromine Hospital Auxiliary$15,000 Medical simulator and associated software
Narromine Jets RLFC and Narromine Gorillas RUFC$8,000 Commercial dishwasher for Cale Oval grandstand kitchen
Trangie District Camp Draft Association$15,000 Towards power, lights and PA system at the Trangie showground
Trangie Central School$4,708 Playground improvements
Western Rural Connect$5,000Towards the NYE Harvest Cut Out Ball (Narromine)
Narromine Community Skills Project Inc.$5,730Towards the Venetian Carnival and C
ommunity Christmas Party
Round 1 organisationsFundingProject Funded
Country Women’s Association Far Western Group$300Public speaking competition
Macquarie Picnic Race Club$10,000 Macquarie Picnic Races
Narromine Dolly Parton Festival$10,000 Saturday Street party
Narromine Agricultural Show Society$4,000 Prize money for a range of agricultural competitions at the annual show
Narromine Turf Club$5,000 Dandy Cup Race meeting
Tomingley Picnic Race Club$11,000Alkane Cup prize money and a new structure
Macquarie Sire Evaluation Association$1,500Assist with running a field day
Narromine Netball Club$1,250Towards the pre-season gala day and
umpire training
Round 2 organisationsFundingProject Funded
Narromine Clay Target Club$2,500Upgrading the existing solar system
Narromine Community Skills Project Inc$4,350Narromine Community Christmas Party and Venetian Carnival
Narromine Gorillas Rugby Union Football Club$5,000Education, training, and equipment
Narromine Hospital Auxiliary$5,000Concealment Transport Trolley
Narromine Soccer Club$5,000Fitting out new canteen and equipment sheds at Dundas Oval
Narromine Agricultural Show Society$5,000Hosting 2024 Zone Final – Young Woman of the Year Competition
Tomingley Recreation Ground$15,000New infrastructure for Secretary Office / Meeting Room, Jockeys Room and Stipends including showers and toilets.
Round 1 organisationsFundingProject Funded
Tomingley Picnic Race Club$6,000Prize money for the Tomingley Picnic Cup
Tomingley Picnic Race Club$2,500Work to the stabling area at the racecourse
Round 2 organisationsFundingProject Funded
Gorillas RUFC/ Narromine Jets RLFC$15,000Assist in the upgrade of infrastructure
Tomingley Picnic Race Club$2,500Family Trivia Night (including hall hire, prizes & dinner)
Narromine High School$1,200Senior MC students Sydney Trip
Narromine High School$2,500Junior MC students Great Aussie Bush Camp
Narromine Hospital Auxiliary$5,000Purchase and updating of medical equipment
Teacher Earth Science Education Programme$2,286.90Purchase of school educational resources
Tomingley Christmas Festival$6,239Assist in the running costs for the day
Round 1 organisationsFundingProject Funded
Narromine Clay Target Club Inc$2,085Upgrade target release system to wireless units
Narromine Lions Club$1,000Licola Camp
Narromine Soccer Club$1,000Increase presence and awareness of Soccer Club
Narromine CWA$300Assistance with running Schools Public Speaking Competition 2021
Narromine Agricultural (Show) Society Inc$3,000Sponsorship
Tomingley Picnic Race Club Inc$20,000Tomingley Cup prize money, Fencing, and Shade Structure
Round 2 OrganisationsFundingProject Funded
Tomingley Advancement Association$30,668Construction of gazebo, play area and BBQ adjacent to the Tomingley Hall
Round 1 OrganisationsFundingProject Funded
Community Connectivity at the Narromine High School$5,000Science Spectacular and Purchase of equipment for the STEAM HUB
Tomingley Hall Committee$18,700Turf and irrigation system surrounding the Tomingley hall
Round 2 OrganisationsFundingProject Funded
Tomingley Sports and Recreational Grounds Trust$18,000Desilting of Dam and Earthworks
Narromine Agricultural (Show) Society Inc$3,000Sponsorship
Mungery Recreation Reserve$6,930Painting of Hall
Narromine Clay Target Club$2,000Championship Event
Round 1 OrganisationsFundingProject Funded
Tomingley Picnic Races$5,000Sponsorship of the Tomingley Picnic Cup
Narromine Charity Motor Show and Shine$500Proceeds from the event distributed amongst local charities, such as the Narromine Volunteer Rescue Squad and Tomingley Playgroup.
Country Women’s Association (CWA)$300Far West and Intergroup schools public speaking events
Round 2 OrganisationsFundingProject Funded
Líl Tackers Playgroup$3,590Baby Safe Zone
Narromine Show Society$2,500Running of the Narromine Agricultural Show
Round 1 OrganisationsFundingProject Funded
Tomingley Sports Ground Trust$3,300Water Tanks
Narromine CWA$200Support Annual public speaking event
Narromine High School$5,000Contribution for supporting science and technology
OrganisationFundingProject Funded
Narromine CWA$200Public Speaking Event
Tomingley Picnic Race Club$5,000Sponsorship of the Tomingley Picnic Races.
Li’l Tacker Playgroup$791BBQ and Gazebo
Tomingley Advancement Association$5,000Landscaping Dicken Park
Mungery Amateur Picnic Race Club$2,000Sponsorship Picnic Races
Narromine Agricultural (Show) Society$2,500Sponsorship Narromine Show
St. Augustines’School Narromine$1,000Sponsorship Ihear Art Show
OrganisationFundingProject Funded
Narromine Agricultural Show$2,500Support for Narromine Agricultural Show
Tomingley Advancement Association (NSC)$10,000Installation of patterned concrete at the Dicken Park shelter.
Narromine Cancer Support Group$2,000The purchase of palliative care equipment.
Narromine Pool$1,000The purchase of a thermal cover
Narromine High School$1,000Support for the Science Spectacular
OrganisationFundingProject Funded
Narromine Shire Council in partnership with the Tomingley Advancement Association$20,000The provision of rainwater tanks for houses in Tomingley to supplement water supply. The funds will be held in trust until the program for works is established.
Tomingley Picnic Race Club$5,000Sponsorship of the Tomingley Picnic Races.
Li’l Tacker Playgroup$1,200Purchase of tennis equipment.
OrganisationFundingProject Funded
Tomingley Sport and Recreational Ground Trust$15,000An addition to the amenities block project
Li’l Tacker Playgroup$7,840Purchase and installation of reverse cycle air conditioning units in two rooms at the Old Tomingley School Building.
Narromine Agricultural (Show) Society$2,000Sponsorship of the Narromine 109th Annual Show, held in August 2014.
Little Athletics Narromine Branch$1,162New starting blocks for the athletes
Mungery Amateur Picnic Race Club$1,000Towards organising and running the 90th annual Mungery Picnic Races, held 5 October 2014.
Tomingley Sport and Recreation Ground Trust$85,000Towards construction of a new amenities building to provide wheelchair-friendly facilities including a new kiosk and toilets, plus rainwater tanks for ground watering.
Tomingley Picnic Race Club$3,000Sponsorship of hospitality services for the annual Tomingley Picnic Cup race day
Ngarru Mayin Elders Aboriginal Corporation$2,540Towards the repairs of the Historical Museum building in Narromine, where they display Aboriginal historical and cultural items and hold community events
St Augustine’s Parish School Parents and Friends$1,000Sponsorship of the Biennial Art Show fundraising event.
Narromine Car Club$500Sponsorship of the annual car show and shine.
Narromine Branch of the Country Women’s Association of NSW$200To support a school’s public speaking contest