Alkane is pleased to announce the latest exploration results for drilling in the region around the Tomingley Gold Operations (Tomingley) in Central New South Wales.
Core drilling results from targets below the open cut resource at the San Antonio deposit suggest a steep plunge to potential underground mineable mineralisation. Significant gold intercepts include:
SAR003D | 3 metres grading 1.79g/t Au from 273 metres |
incl | 1 metre grading 2.43g/t Au from 274 metres |
and | 2 metres grading 5.03g/t Au from 416 metres |
and | 1 metre grading 2.98g/t Au from 464 metres |
SAR004D | 1 metre grading 2.78g/t Au from 334 metres |
and | 6 metres grading 1.37g/t Au from 711 metres |
incl | 1 metre grading 2.44g/t Au from 711 metres |
also | 1 metre grading 2.34g/t Au from 713 metres |
The San Antonio gold resource has over 1km of continuous strike length and remains largely undrilled at depth beneath the planned open cuts. Additional drilling is planned to test down-dip of several high-grade domains in fertile host rocks such as andesites, monzodiorites and dacites.
Regional exploration around Tomingley has restarted for 2025. Exploration comprises a first-pass 17,000m program of aircore drilling across recently identified buried volcanic rocks and structures interpreted from drone magnetic surveys. RC and diamond core drilling is planned to test El Paso, Tomingley Two and new targets identified by Alkane’s previous work. This is expected to total ~3,200m of drilling.
Alkane Managing Director, Nic Earner, said: “The broader Tomingley region has many occurrences of gold mineralisation. As well as potential mine extensions of our existing undergrounds we are doing early-stage work on identifying new mining areas.”