Other exploration prospects
Exploration prospects
Alkane’s exploration projects are primarily located in Central West New South Wales. They include gold, gold-copper and other metal (nickel, zinc and silver) prospects.
Southern Junee Porphyry Project
(Gold-copper; EL9600)
Acquired in 2023, the Southern Junee Porphyry Project (SJPP) is located in the Riverina region of New South Wales, centred about 40km east of West Wyalong. It covers an area of 235 square kilometres at the southern extension of the Junee-Narromine Volcanic Belt (J-NVB), which is considered highly prospective for world-class gold-copper porphyry deposits.
(Base metals, gold; EL7020)
Cudal is located 20km northwest of the Cadia Valley Operations of Newcrest Mining Ltd in central western NSW. The exploration licence covers a portion of the Ordovician Cargo Block, a region considered highly prospective for alkalic porphyry gold-copper mineralisation and sedimentary replacement-style gold-zinc mineralisation. Key prospects include the Bowen Park 1 prospect, located in the northernmost group of old workings commonly referred to as Bowen Park, and the Kurrajong prospect.
Exploration drilling in the Bowen Park 1 / Kurrajong prospect area has identified strong gold + zinc + silver mineralisation associated with a significant multiphase intrusive complex and porphyry-style alteration adjacent to the Bowan Park Limestone. Alkane has completed geological mapping and high-resolution ground magnetics to assist with further drilling target definition.
(Gold; EL8194, EL8527)
The Rockley Project is located 35km southeast of Blayney. Its three exploration licences cover a portion of the late Silurian Mumbil Group, a geological sequence considered highly prospective for structurally controlled gold and McPhillamys-style gold and base metal mineralisation.
Geological mapping, a high-resolution ground magnetic survey and a soil chemistry survey highlighted a gold multi-element anomaly around the historic Rosedale workings.
(Gold; EL8784)
Located west of Parkes, this prospect has similar geology to the Tomingley Gold Project and historic drilling has identified low-grade gold mineralisation over a 400 metre strike length. The available historic data is being reviewed and evaluated for economic potential.
Mt Conqueror
(Gold; EL9107)
Acquired in 2020, the Mt Conqueror exploration licence is centred about 10km northeast of Bathurst. It covers about 20km strike length of Silurian volcanics, with many gold and base metal workings and occurrences, and is considered prospective for McPhillamys style gold deposits. The historic data is being compiled before ground reconnaissance is initiated.
(Nickel-copper, cobalt, titanium and rare earths; EL 8765)
The exploration licence targets a geophysical anomaly discovered by state aerial and ground surveys, featuring geology atypical for the region, located approximately five kilometres east of Trangie township. It is considered a prospect for a number of metals, including nickel, copper, cobalt, titanium and rare earths.