Tomingley Gold Project
A prospective gold corridor with active mining leases
Alkane’s Tomingley Gold Project covers an area of approximately 440 square km, stretching 60km north-south along the Newell Highway in Central West NSW. The prospective belt extends from near the village of Tomingley in the north, through Peak Hill and almost to Parkes in the south.
The project encompasses Tomingley Gold Operations, the Tomingley Gold Extension Project, Peak Hill Gold Mine and a number of exploration licences.
Tomingley open cut and underground gold mine
Tomingley Gold Operations lies approximately 50km southwest of Dubbo in Central West NSW. It is a junior open cut and underground operation wholly owned by Alkane. Mining is based on the Wyoming One, Wyoming Three, Caloma One, Caloma Two and (since April 2024) Roswell deposits. We poured 57,217 ounces in FY24.
Tomingley Gold Extension Project
Alkane is extending gold mining operations at Tomingley to include the San Antonio and Roswell (SAR) resources immediately south of the existing mine. This $30M+ project is a NSW State Significant Development being conducted with consideration for the environment and the community.
Key facts and information
- Development consent was granted on 21 February 2023 and extends until end-2032.
- The extension of our operations will secure additional jobs for the region and business arrangements with numerous local suppliers.
- The project will involve open cut and underground mining.
Peak Hill Gold Mine
Alkane’s Peak Hill Gold Mine, 15km south of Tomingley, operated from 1996 to 2005. While the site is substantially rehabilitated, it remains an active Mining Lease with an Environment Protection Licence in place.
Technological advances and gold price increases in the last two decades have led us to re-evaluate the economics of further development. Any further mine development would require further environmental assessment and government approval.
Resources and reserves
Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves for the Tomingley Gold Project include Tomingley Gold Operations (Wyoming One, Wyoming Three, Caloma One and Caloma Two deposits), the San Antonio and Roswell (SAR) deposits and the Peak Hill Gold Project.
View Tomingley Gold Operations mineral resources and ore reserves >
Continued exploration
Alkane continues to focus exploration on the corridor between Tomingley and Peak Hill, with the goal of defining additional resources to extend the life of the Tomingley processing facility.
Key exploration targets include additional mineralisation outside the existing resource models at Roswell, San Antonio and McLeans, including the El Paso and Plains prospects.
Additional prospects within the Tomingley Gold Project include Glen Isla, Myalls United, Smiths, Black Snake, Trewilga and McGregors.
Tomingley community hub
Alkane has been part of the Tomingley and Narromine Shire communities since we broke ground at Tomingley in early 2013.
As we are a residential operation, most of our employees live in the local area with their families and engage in community activities.
Visit our Tomingley community hub for the latest community-focused news and information about our activities.
We welcome community members to engage with us directly about any of our projects.